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Cyber Security

Keeping your information safe

所有政府和商业实体都应该有一个强大的信息安全框架,以保护他们免受干扰, damaging or possibly lethal cyber breaches. The risks are too great to ignore and are becoming increasingly common. 

Risk management


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The proliferation of ransomware, 知识产权盗窃和金融欺诈只是我们今天面临的几个威胁. Information security is not an ‘IT’ problem! 信息安全是一项业务风险,所有业务领域都是解决方案的一部分. The key is to identify what is important, what are the threats, 以及如何在不影响组织目标的情况下将相关风险降低到可接受的水平.

十大正规博彩网站排名澳大利亚公司拥有经过澳大利亚国防部澳大利亚信号局IRAP认证的安全评估人员. Conforming to the Australian Government’s stringent protocols, 他们有很高的资格和认可,可以进行独立的信息安全评估. Assessments that will help you understand, identify and manage information security threats and the associated risks. Our specialists are trusted and respected by federal, 国家和地方政府,并协助组织进行辩护, health, education, law and finance portfolios.

Services available through Saab Australia include consulting, penetration testing, information security auditing, training programs, as well as creating and implementing a complete strategic framework.

Our protection and recovery solutions

  • Penetration testing Testing infrastructure, operating systems, 服务和应用程序通过利用来识别漏洞和评估风险.
  • Vulnerability assessments Similar to penetration testing without vulnerability exploitation. 在不确认其可利用性的情况下识别漏洞的初步练习.
  • Social engineering 通过确定员工对当今最成功和最常用的攻击向量的意识和恢复能力,通过人员和流程测试安全控制.
  • Network design and security architecture reviews 确定网络/通信环境中的控制是否有效,是否适合当前的业务需求, and aligned with vendor and industry best practise recommendations.
  • System configuration and security reviews 根据行业和供应商的最佳实践评估服务器和IT系统配置. Typically cover security configuration, password strength testing, software maintenance, firewalls, network infrastructure etc; tailored to your specific needs.
  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) network access review 评估适当的技术控制和保护,以处理满足当前业务和法规要求的信息和服务.
  • Governance, risk and compliance reviews Measure organisations commitment to standards (e.g. ISO 27001和国防部信息安全手册)政策和程序,以审查组织的成熟度和管理风险的能力.
  • Recovery solutions Saab’s SAFE security and safety management platform 工作流程管理系统是否能指导组织或运作渡过危机或紧急情况. Used by airports, prisons, public transport networks, police departments, the system is easily customised to manage your unique tasks, resources and actions to restore

保护我们和客户的信息资产的框架和系统是独立审计的 certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard


Pierre Truter
Sales Director Cyber Security, Risk and Air Traffic Management

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